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2023 The "MOVE-ON" Event Held

For Aging-Out Orphans in Korea
Saturday, January 28, 2023

MPAK has joined forces with Love Beyond Orphanage, Orphans Love Association (고아사랑협회), You Are Not Alone (YANA), and other few organizations to hold  and to conduct a seminar to help the aging-out orphans in Korea to prepare to "Move-On" into the world, out from their orphanage care to emancipated life.  Each year Korea faces around 2,500 young adults as they age-out of their orphanage systems when they turn 18 or older. 


The event drew around 250 people, with around 200 youths from many orphanages.  Together with volunteers and other participants, the event was a resounding successs.


The youths were provided with a seminar on how to find their own place to live, how to manage their finances, and also a topic on dating and marriage.  The youths were greatly appreciative of the event as they were greatly in need of information and assistants that will help them to start their new lives in the tough world. The Move On event was designed to equip the youth with essential information for them to get a good start for their future.


The seminar to the young adults touched on subjects on how to find housing and managing their finances, etc.


After the seminar, the young adults were treated to a nice dinner and entertainments by several performers at the Fairmont Ambassador Seoul. Special thanks goes to Ms. Shin Aera (신애라) of YANA for recruiting all the performers.


At the end of the event, those that have poured in their time, resources, and services through volunteering stayed on to take this photo

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Great foods, great BBQ, fun and games and magic show for the kids

Shin Aera (신애라) holds the poster presented to her with "Thank you for the Memories" From the MPAK Families. She really appreciated this poster.

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