The 5th Annual MPAK Gala Held to Raise Funds for Orphans and Vulnerable Children of North Korean Escapee Women
2018 MPAK Gala

The 4th Annual MPAK Gala Held to Raise Funds for Medical/Special Needs Orphans
The 2018 MPAK Gala was a smashing success. MPAK is very grateful to our supporters and attendees, and volunteers, for making our 4th Annual MPAK Gala the best ever event for us.
When the final results came in, we raised close to $400,000. This includes all the corporate and individual sponsors, donations, and ticket sales. Our live auction brought tremendous responses and participation by the crowd, especially when the Rolling Stones autographed electric guitar was auctioned off. However, the expenses are expected to be very high for the venue at the Intercontinental Los Angles. We had 570 people in attendance and that was much more than we had anticipated.
Our keynote speaker was actress Shin Aera, a very respected and loved celebrity from Korea. She shared her story of adopting two daughters, which moved the hearts of everyone in the room. The biggest highlight goes to all the honored guests that came and participated and supported our event to be very successful.

Actress Shin Aera shared the adoption story of her two daughters in her keynote speech.
Elaine Marumote Perez and her brother James Marumoto were specially recognized by MPAK. Their business "Kansha Creamery" has been instrumental in supporting the North Korea Vision.
Guests from Korea supported the gala. They took a photo with Shin Aera.
Images from the gala event. The silent auction lobby and the Live Auction on the Rolling Stones autographed electrical guitar, which the bidding was pretty fierce.