The 5th Annual MPAK Gala Held to Raise Funds for Orphans and Vulnerable Children of North Korean Escapee Women
Volunteers at the 2021 MPAK Fundraising Gala
MPAK Gala 2021
MPAK held a highly successful fundraising gala on Saturday, October 30, 2021. “You are Not Forgotten”- was the theme of this year's MPAK gala as the global pandemic has made it easy to forget the plight of many children in need. Although the pandemic has brought significant challenges in our ability to help the children, MPAK would not forget the children that depended on us.
The purpose of this fundraising event was to remember the children we serve. The special needs orphans (orphans with special physical/mental challenges, orphans that are aging out of the orphanage systems in Korea, and the orphans with HIV disease and the orphans that were born from North Korean escapee women living in China.
The banquet room was packed with 225 people. This was much smaller than our usual gala size, but it was such a drastic change from last year's gala where we had to do it virtually. It was obvious that the guests were very happy to be at the on-site event.
We were honored to have Jinah Kim emceeing our program, with the harmonious performance by the Sonorous Singers, and the keynote speakers in Susan Cox and Jian Chen, both advocating for the needs of the children. Their messages opened up many hearts and minds to the plight of children suffering due to lack of supports by the dwindling supports impacted by the Covid pandemic.
Many have responded by donating generously. At the end of the night the total proceeds came over $250,000. We are so grateful for the supports shown by so many, and MPAK is especially grateful to all the volunteers (see the photo above) that served willingly to make our gala this year very successful.
MPAK prides in that there is no paid staff. After the expenses taken out, every cent will go to benefit the children we serve.
If you wish to support MPAK, please click the 'Donate Today' button above.

Jinah Kim was honored for emceeing our event for 7 straight years. She made our gala successful.

Susan Cox shares her adoption experience at the gala

Jian Chen share the plight of orphans in the forgotten world.

The Sonorous Singers performed to the delight of the audience.

The Event Image

Our Gala Postcard