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MPAK's New Direction
For the first16 years, MPAK has mainly focused on the needs of children in Korea by promoting adoption and to bring about positive changes in the Korean adoption culture, thereby encouraging the Korean nationals to adopt their children within Korea, and by those Korean-Americans living in the US to adopt the children from Korea. MPAK has tirelessly promoted domestic adoption within Korea and has brought tremendous changes in the way Koreans view adoption, and this has resulted in thousands of children finding homes.
Starting in 2016, MPAK has a vision to reach out to the needs of children beyond Korea.  Serving the needs of the homeless children in China would be the first step in MPAK's vision to go global in its efforts to serve the ever increasing needs of children worldwide.


MPAK History


MPAK was founded by Steve Morrison, a Korean adoptee who has been deeply impacted by his adoption experience.


Steve became homeless at five and lived on the streets of Korea before being admitted to an orphanage at six. He lived at an orphanage for eight years before being adopted at age 14. The Morrison family had three biological children, but adopted two from Korea, including Steve.


While living in the orphanage, Steve was a poor student.  But once he was placed in a loving home in the US, he felt loved and secure, and consequently excelled in his school works. He went on to the Purdue University and received a BS in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, and was recruited by then Hughes (now Boeing). Under the fellowship grant from Hughes, he received an MS in the Aerospace Engineering from the Univeristy of Southern California. Today, Steve is employed by the Aerospace Corporation in El Segundo, California as a Senior Project Engineer, working on the development of the next generation satellites for the GPS III program.


Steve and his wife Jody have five children, of which two of them were adopted from Korea. Steve's desire was to share the blessings he has received through adoption with other homeless children that need families. With this in mind, he established the Mission to Promote Adoption in Korea (MPAK) in April 1999 to promote adoption in Korea, and to promote adoption of Korean children by Korean-Americans.


MPAK has felt the calling to serve the children beyond Korea, and changed its name in 2016 as Mission to Promote Adoption of Kids. MPAK now serves the orphans in China as a first step in going global. 


MPAK has been a voice for homeless children, and has worked tirelessly to bring about positive changes to the otherwise negative Korean adoption culture, and to advocate the needs of homeless children to have homes of their own.


Currently there are 28 regional MPAK support groups spread throughout Korea, and six in the US (LA, Valley, OC, NY/NJ, San Diego, and Georgia).


MPAK also has a vision for the children of North Korea.


Adoption is Love Born from a Heart (입양은 가슴으로 낳은 사랑이다)





Steve Morrison with a baby at an orphanage in Korea

The Vision Statement
To enable homeless children to grow up in loving homes through adoption. To help the orphans that are without homes with our resources.
The Mission Statement
It is our goal to enable many families to open their hearts and homes to the needy children that need homes. As an organization driven by the Christian principles, we believe in our calling to be a voice for the 'Least of these Children'. 

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© 2025 MPAK


Find us: 


2807 E. El Presidio St., Suite 250

Carson, CA 90810

Great foods, great BBQ, fun and games and magic show for the kids

Shin Aera (신애라) holds the poster presented to her with "Thank you for the Memories" From the MPAK Families. She really appreciated this poster.

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